Monday, August 31, 2015

Worship Round-Up (August 30, 2015)

a weekly review of Sunday worship to provide resource and further reflection from our Sunday service.

"Preach the Word"
2 Timothy 4:1-2
Pastor Dave MacKinnon
Listen to the sermon here

While studying this week over the passage that Pastor Dave would be preaching from, the line that kept sticking out was "Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead." It stands out that our reasoning to preach the word faithfully is because we are in submission to Christ who is our judge. It was apparent that we should sing of this great truth. In Before the Throne we sing of our confidence to stand before our judge who has all of our life written on His hands. It is not a place of worry of whether we will measure up because He is our "spotless righteousness". Along these same lines we sung the Lord's prayer together in "Father you are all we need" which speaks of our dependance upon our Father for everything in our life. We ended the service with "O Great God" which in our sending re-states our dependence, confidence, and also the responsibility laid upon us that because of the Gospel we should seek to glorify our Father in every aspect of our life.


O For a Thousand Tongues
by Charles Wesley

No Other Name
by Austin Hilmer

Father You are All We Need
by Brian Eichelberger | Dustin Kensrue | Zach Bolen
Listen on YouTube

Before the Throne of God Above
by Charitie Lees Bancroft
Listen on YouTube

O Great God
Bob Kauflin
Listen on YouTube

Austin Hilmer

About the Author:
Austin serves on staff at Westchester as Associate Pastor of Corporate Worship

Thursday, August 27, 2015

3 Ways show Spiritual Maturity

         One of the weekly meetings that I have with the Sr. High students takes place on Sunday nights.  During this time we try address a topic that is pertinent to all of us, and usually something that is current.  This last week I wanted to take a look at what a spiritually mature person is like because our culture tells us something very different than the Bible. 

    1. The world shows a “mature person” as someone who has their life in order.  They wear nice clothes, have a nice job, behave in a professional manner, and make sure that they are perceived in that way.  But Biblical maturity sees more of the inside of a person than the outside.  We, with the help of the Holy Spirit, should see people as creations that are loved by God.  We can wear goofy clothes, work at a roller skating rink, and have fun in life and still be mature.  Of course we can also wear nice clothes, have a nice job, and behave professionally and be spiritually mature at the same time.  It is not external things that show our maturity.
   2. Another way that our culture defines maturity is having a lot of knowledge.  The more you know the more mature you are.  However a spiritually mature person will seek the truth, with grace and compassion.  2 Peter 3:18 calls us to grow in knowledge, but it also is sure to tell us to do that with grace.  So instead of knowing a lot, we need to recognize that there are things we don’t know, and strive after those to the glory of God.
    3. One trait of maturity that our culture lifts up is being sure of ourselves.  If we have self-confidence and assurance we must be mature.  But true maturity follows God in all ways.  Sacrificing our own desires and allowing God to lead is a much better way to exhibit maturity.

Our goal should be for spiritual maturity as opposed to the maturity that the world has to offer.  Our life should be dedicated to the Lord, with the understanding that we are living for him instead of our own selfish desires. 

Maturity does not always come with age.  Instead a mature person is humble and kind, sacrificial and loving, and aware of God in their lives.

Josh Earhart

About the Author:
Josh serves on staff at Westchester as Associate Pastor of Student Ministries

Monday, August 24, 2015

Worship Round-Up (August 23, 2015)

a weekly review of Sunday worship to provide resource and further reflection from our Sunday service.


"Continue in the Word"
2 Timothy 3:16-17
by Pastor Dave MacKinnon
Listen to this sermon here

This week's service emphasized centering our life around the word. Timothy serves as our example of how we should train up our own children and those in the church to hear their whole lives the truth that comes from scripture. Listen to the sermon to hear testimony from those leading our children on how this happens at Westchester. We drew connections between the sermon and the music by singing about our love for the word and the need for the scripture in our lives with songs like "How Firm a Foundation" and "We Are Listening".  We also chose as a special music to sing the old hymn "I Love to Tell the Story" to reinforce the joy we have in retelling the Gospel Story from generation to generation. The devotion to the word is meant to make us "wise for salvation in Christ". It is because of this that we sing "He is Jesus" and "Behold Our God".


How Firm a Foundation
Published by John Rippon-- author "Unknown"
Listen on YouTube

He is Jesus
Stephen Altrogge
Listen on YouTube

I Love to Tell the Story
by Arabella Catherine Henkey | William Gustavus Fischer

Behold Our God
by Jonathan Baird | Meghan Baird | Ryan Baird | Stephen Altrogge
Listen on YouTube

We Are Listening
Jeremy Quillo
Listen on Bandcamp

Austin Hilmer

About the Author:
Austin serves on staff at Westchester as Associate Pastor of Corporate Worship